Proof of Address

Document acceptable as Proof of Address

  1. AADHAAR Card issued by UIDAI
  2. Allotment Letter of Accommodation issued by Central Govt or State Govt not more than 3 years old
  3. Bank Account Statement not more than 3 months old**
  4. Certificate of Address in Original signed by MP or MLA or Municipal Councilor (Download format)
  5. Certificate of Address in Original signed from Gazetted Officer (Download format)
  6. Consumer Gas Connection Card or Book or Piped Gas Bill not more than 3 months old**
  7. Credit Card Statement not more than 3 months old**
  8. Depository Account Statement not more than 3 months old**
  9. Domicile Certificate issued by Government
  10. Driving License
  11. Electricity Bill not more than 3 months old**
  12. Employer Certificate in Original (Download format)
  13. Landline Telephone Bill or Broadband Connection Bill not more than 3 months old**
  14. Latest Property Tax Assessment Order
  15. Passport
  16. Passport of the Spouse
  17. Post Office Passbook having Address of Applicant
  18. Property Registration Document
  19. Voters ID Card
  20. Water Bill not more than 3 months old**
  1. **Should not be more than three months old on the date of the application.
  2. Documents must be self attested by the applicant.
  3. Documents should be in the full name of the applicant.
  4. In case the PAN applicant is a minor, any of the above documents of any of the parents or guardian of such minor shall serve as Proof of Address.