How to Apply for Change in PAN Card, Correction in PAN Card

Refer article Who should apply for a change or correction in PAN card? for more details before you read further about how to apply for the same.

List of documents to be submitted along with the form for changes or correction in PAN card?

  1. Proof of PAN
  2. Proof of Identity
  3. Proof of Address
  4. Proof of Date of Birth
  5. Proof in support of changes required

What are the procedures involved in applying for changes or correction in PAN card?

Fill - Fill the online application form - Composite Service Form (CSF)
Pay - Make Payment online
Sign - Download the prefilled application and affix photos and signature.
Send - Send the signed application and supporting documents by post or courier to the address provided in the welcome mail. Click here for more details.

What documents can be submitted as proof in support of changes sought?

Sr.No Case / Applicant type Document Acceptable
1. Change in name: change of name on account of marriage Any one of
a) Marriage certificate
b) Marriage invitation card
c) Publication of name change in official gazette
d) Copy of passport showing husband's name
2. Change in name: Individual applicants - change of name on account of reasons other than marriage. Publication of name change in official gazette
3. Change in father's name Publication of name change in official gazette
4. Change in date of birth: Individuals relevant proof of identity having correct date of birth.

What documents will serve as proof of identity in case of individual?

Following documents are accepted as proof of identity:
  1. AADHAAR Card issued by UIDAI
  2. Arms License
  3. Bank Certificate in Original on Letter Head of the Branch (along with name and stamp of the issuing officer) containing duly attested photograph and bank account number of the applicant (Download format)
  4. Central Govt Health Scheme Card or Ex Serviceman Contributory Health Scheme Photo Card
  5. Certificate of Identity in Original signed by MP or MLA or Municipal Councilor (Download format)
  6. Certificate of Identity in Original signed from Gazetted Officer (Download format)
  7. Driving License
  8. Passport
  9. Pensioner Card having Photograph of Applicant
  10. Photo ID Card issued by Central Govt or State Govt or a Public Sector Undertaking
  11. Ration Card having Photograph of the Applicant
  12. Voters ID Card

What documents will serve as proof of address in case of individual?

Documents accepted as proof of address are as follows:
  1. AADHAAR Card issued by UIDAI
  2. Allotment Letter of Accommodation issued by Central Govt or State Govt not more than 3 years old
  3. Bank Account Statement not more than 3 months old**
  4. Certificate of Address in Original signed by MP or MLA or Municipal Councilor (Download format)
  5. Certificate of Address in Original signed from Gazetted Officer (Download format)
  6. Consumer Gas Connection Card or Book or Piped Gas Bill not more than 3 months old**
  7. Credit Card Statement not more than 3 months old**
  8. Depository Account Statement not more than 3 months old**
  9. Domicile Certificate issued by Government
  10. Driving License
  11. Electricity Bill not more than 3 months old**
  12. Employer Certificate in Original (Download format)
  13. Landline Telephone Bill or Broadband Connection Bill not more than 3 months old**
  14. Latest Property Tax Assessment Order
  15. Passport
  16. Passport of the Spouse
  17. Post Office Passbook having Address of Applicant
  18. Property Registration Document
  19. Voters ID Card
  20. Water Bill not more than 3 months old**

Note: **Should not be more than three months old on the date of the application.

What documents will serve as proof of date of birth in case of individual?

Documents accepted as proof of date of birth are as follows:
  1. AADHAAR Card issued by UIDAI
  2. Affidavit sworn before Magistrate stating Date of Birth
  3. Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any Office Authorized to issue Birth & Death Certificate or the Indian Consulate
  4. Central Govt Health Scheme Card or Ex Serviceman Contributory Health Scheme Photo Card
  5. Domicile Certificate issued by Government
  6. Driving License
  7. Marriage Certificate issued by Registrar of Marriages
  8. Matriculation Certificate or Mark Sheet of Recognised Board
  9. Passport
  10. Pension Payment Order
  11. Photo ID Card issued by Central Govt or State Govt or a Public Sector undertaking or State Public sector undertaking
  12. Voters ID Card
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Corrections to PAN details

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Damaged or Lost PAN card

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